Saturday, June 8, 2013

Photo Avalanche!

Alrighty it's that time! Time for a mad crazy photo rampage. let's begin!

Here's several from San Diego

Here's some shots from the Specialty Produce Store in San Diego, an unadvertised warehouse store that has everything unlabeled and in boxes! Shopping there is like a treasure hunt.
Huge bottles of everything!
Crazy behind the building entrance:

Sweet haul!:

This is a dragonfruit blossom! They bloom at night and are 8-10" wide

Dragon Fruit! We harvested two today!

Here's the view over the veggie garden:
Edible Aloe Vera!
These are Poha Berries! They grow in these paper lantern-looking pods and are super delicious
I'm getting pretty hairy these days.
I call this the Demon Tree
We were greeted by a rainbow, and exactly a week after our arrival we had another double, extremely bright rainbow!
This island is red because they tested nukes on it until the 70's
Approaching the island:
Leaving the US mainland!: